"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."

– Aristotle


A Welcome Message from Mark


Self-realization is the greatest calling of a human lifetime. The philosophical instruction to know yourself is the heart of what we do in The Seekers Forum. Through the practice of self-inquiry, we come to know ourselves in order to cultivate happier, more productive, and authentic lives. The Seekers Forum provides a place for people from all walks of life to 'Inquire Within', a place for deep dialogue, learning, and self-exploration.

Come share your journey with us,

Mark Signature Transparent

When you tell the truth, your story changes.
When your story changes, your life is transformed.

Our March/April Program

TSF 2025 March-April Image

Life without deep connection to others is a recipe for unhappiness. The spiritual principle of inter-being requires a person to open her heart — and let others in – if she hopes for a satisfying, resonant life. This is harder than appears, though, and requires practice.

How can inquiring within change your life?

Sandra, USA

“I like how Mark synthesizes philosophy, psychology, and wisdom teachings and how to apply them to our human condition.”

Angelique, USA

“Mark brings a high level of consciousness and compassion to Inquire Within, responding, guiding, stimulating, inspiring, being a muse for everyone who participates."

Alfredo, Spain

“It’s not easy to find a group of people that are interested in the same things, in psychology, spirituality, and connecting to the depths of our experience.”

Gary, Canada

“We’re sharing this journey and this sense of purpose for a troubled world that needs clarity and nurturing and kindness.”

Nikki, USA

“I love having the freedom to share my thoughts and feelings in an uncensored way. Having a space where we can slow down, reflect, and learn is a huge gift.”

Emma, Canada

“Inquire Within gives me confidence in understanding who I am and supports me in being more true to myself on a daily basis.”

“While I have a wonderful family and great friends, seldom do we engage in discussions covering topics such as those Mark explores in The Seekers Forum. One of the miracles of modern technology is that we can connect so intimately with members from around the world, to share what’s deep in our hearts and souls."

— Pam, USA


Life-Enhancing Programs for Seekers

Six transformative explorations a year

Mark Teaching 2 for Site

Weekly 'Inquire Within' Writing Sessions

In these weekly Zoom sessions, members gather as a group to practice of self-inquiry. Using Mark's Writing to Awaken method, these 75-minute sessions provide a space to explore the monthly theme in writing, with time to share insights, ask questions, and engage in dialogue. Each session is recorded and links to the video and audio playback are posted to the website. More info.

Inspiring Content Delivered Each Sunday

Live Introductory 'Seekers Session'

Mark kicks off each theme with a live presentation on Zoom followed by an Inquire Within practice and discussion.

Guest Interview

Mark’s conversations with well-known spiritual teachers, scientists, authors, and wellness professionals.

Recommended Resources

Mark’s curated offerings of videos, podcasts, book, articles, and teachings related to the theme.

Closing Reflection

Mark offers final thoughts and takeaways to close out the program.

Group Practice Challenge & Discussion

With each program, a specific practice challenge is presented. These optional, at home practices are theme related and are designed to deepen your understanding. There is a live Zoom Meeting at the end of the practice to discuss insights and affects of the challenge and offers another opportunity to meet and discuss the theme.

All elements are posted to our website for downloading.

“Mark is a masterful and loving guide. His teachings and brilliantly conceived questions will enable you to open to life-changing truth."

Join Now and Receive Your New Member Welcome Gift


Who Am I?

An Introduction to Inquire Within

Six Life-Enhancing Lessons to Discover Your Authentic Self

by Mark Matousek


Each Guided 'Inquire Within' Program Includes:


Live Introductory 'Seekers Session'

This 60-minute live Zoom session kicks off the two-month program with an introductory talk on the theme followed by an Inquire Within writing exercise and an open discussion with Mark and other members. Sessions are recorded and posted to the website. A transcript of the talk is also provided.


Inspiring Guest Interview

Mark’s conversations with well-known spiritual teachers, scientists, artists, authors, and wellness professionals, provide expert perspective on the program theme. A transcript of the interview is also included with the video and audio playback.

Recommended Resources

Mark recommends a video, podcast, article, book, or teaching that adds another voice to the month's discussion. Offering knowledge and insight that enhances the exploration of the month's theme, Mark chooses content that will introduce you to new voices and deepen your understanding.

Closing Reflection Image

Closing Reflection

Mark offers final thoughts and takeaways from the month's exploration. In the Closing Reflection, Mark highlights the lessons and wisdom presented in the month's theme and how to incorporate this wisdom into your everyday life.

TSF Archive Image

Bonus Content

The Seekers Forum Archives: Podcasts, Interviews, Video Lessons, and Recommended Resources from 2013 to today with rich with inspirational content always at your fingertips.

Resource Library: A robust listing of podcasts, books, articles, and videos of interest to seekers.

What does it mean to be a seeker?


“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power…”


"Your heart is the size of the ocean.
Go find yourself in its hidden depths."

- Rumi

“No one saves us but ourselves.
No one can and no one may.
We ourselves must walk the path.”

- The Buddha

“Know thyself, for once we know ourselves,
we may learn to how to care for ourselves.”

- Socrates

"If you would be a real seeker after truth,
it is necessary that at least once in your life
you doubt, as far as possible, all things."

- Rene Descartes

"Every journey has a secret destination
of which the traveler is unaware."

- Martin Buber

“Ask, and it will be given to you;
seek, and you will find; knock,
and it will be opened to you."

- Matthew 7:7

"At the centre of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want."

- Lao Tzu

"I have always been a seeker and still am,
but I stopped asking the books and the stars.
I started listening to the teaching of my soul."

- Rumi

Your Seekers Forum Membership Includes:


Six Life-Enhancing Programs:

Every year, we explore six programs on topics of interest to seekers to provide guidance and support on their journey toward self-knowledge and awakening. Through live weekly sessions and inspirational content, The Seekers Forum provides a space for spiritual exploration and self-inquiry in a diverse, non-judgmental community. See 2024 Programs

Each Programs Includes:

  • Live Introductory 'Seekers Session'
  • Live Inquire Within Writing Sessions
  • Guest Interview
  • Group Practice Challenge and Discussion
  • Mark's Recommended Resources

Live Weekly Inquire Within Writing Sessions:

Practice Inquire Within - writing for self-inquiry - with other members in these weekly Zoom sessions. Mark guides you through a series of theme-related prompts to deepen your exploration. Gathering weekly offers community, regular practice, sharing, and discussion. More Info

New Member Welcome Gift:

Who Am I?: An Inroduction to Inquire Within
Six Life-Enhancing Lessons by Mark

Bonus Content:

The Seekers Forum Archives: Multimedia programs since 2013 rich with inspirational content.

Resource Library: A robust listing of podcasts, books, articles, and videos of interest to seekers.

Have any questions? Read our FAQ or Contact Us.

"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

— Carl Jung