July 2023



It takes courage to be a human being and insight to discern the gifts of fear. In this month’s program, we look at the instructive, wisdom-bestowing powers of fear as an ally, teacher, protector, and guide. Fear can be a harbinger of positive change and reveal where you’re clinging, self-deluded, or stuck in patterns that do not serve you. What can fear teach you about happiness, freedom, self-trust, and healing? How can you befriend your darker emotions on the path toward integrating the shadow? Why do you remain loyal to your fears and comfortable with your discomfort? We will explore these rich questions together and include practices for generating courage through insight.



In these live weekly Zoom sessions, Mark guides you through a series of writing prompts designed to spur insight and self-development. Using his Writing to Awaken method, these hour-long sessions provide a space to explore the program theme, share questions and epiphanies, and engage in dialogue with fellow members. They lively sessions can help you develop an ongoing writing practice, and offer an opportunity to interact with Mark, who offers additional personalized writing prompts. Each session is recorded and links to the video and audio playback are posted to the website. Members can also share any work or thoughts in the easy to use forum.
More information on Guided Writing Sessions.


About Rob Camarata

Rob Camarata is a painter, writer and multi-genre artist who was born and raised in Southern Virginia and has called LA home since 2018. Rob’s visual and literary work investigates the human condition and the concepts we most easily take for granted: identity, home, beauty and loss. This includes the fallibility and fragmentation of memory, inequity and how being othered affects who and how we become. She is currently at work on a memoir to be published in 2024.


Mark’s recommendation of a video, podcast, article, book, or teaching, that offers further insight into the program theme. The Recommended Resource is posted on the third Sunday of each month.


Mark offers final thoughts and takeaways from the monthly program. The Program Reflection closes each program and is posted on the fourth Sunday of each month.


Mark Matousek is a bestselling author, teacher, and speaker whose work focuses on personal awakening and creative excellence through transformational writing and self-inquiry. He brings over three decades of experience as a memoirist, editor, interviewer, survivor, activist, and spiritual seeker to his penetrating and thought-provoking work with students. His workshops, classes, and mentoring have inspired thousands of people around the world to reach their artistic and spiritual goals.

The Seekers Forum is Mark’s online community dedicated to the cultivation of self-awareness and spiritual awakening through dialogue, writing, and self-inquiry. It is an online refuge and wellspring of wisdom for those seeking personal knowledge and the chance to connect with seekers from around the world, in an atmosphere of camaraderie, inclusion, and encouragement. Mark modeled The Seekers Forum after the Sufi notion of sohbet, “the spiritual talk of friends.” He wanted to create a non-sectarian, open-minded fellowship where no faith is required, and like-minded people from all traditions can come together to talk about the things that concern us all. What is the purpose of our lives? How does spiritual practice change us? How can we live in uncertain, often frightening, times as conscious, compassionate human beings? How can we balance the mind, body, and spirit, wake up to the truth of who we are, and deepen our connection to this astounding creation?

As Shakespeare wrote, “There’s more between heaven and earth than is dreamt of in our philosophy.” This is what interests us in The Seekers Forum. We hope you will join us!